New Blog!
July 7, 2014 by Lynn
Filed under Featured Content
I have updated my blog and moved to a new web address. Please follow me at And find me on Instagram @theurbanpost
I love to hear from my readers!! Please leave me comments on my new blog. The format is changed and it is now easier to leave comments.
Love Coupons
February 3, 2013 by Lynn
Filed under Featured Content, Free Printables, Valentines Day
Need some help with Valentine’s Day?! I sure do! Well, here are some free printable coupons for your man.
Print them at home on card stock. SUPER CUTE AND EASY!
I hope they are helpful!!
Write the man a love note and give him some cute coupons. Make sure he remembers to redeem them.
You could even stick this print in a frame and write a different reason each day. That’d be fun
Love letter paper- Click HERE to download and print.
Coupons with ideas already on them. Click HERE to download and print.
Coupons- fill in your own idea. Click HERE to download and print.
Get all romanitcal with your bad self!
Shared Boy/Girl Room
January 28, 2013 by Lynn
Filed under Crafts, Decorating, DIY, Featured Content, Furniture Redos, Home and Garden
When sweet little number 3 came along, I wanted her to be in her own room. I wanted to put the kids who where on the same sleep scheduled in the same room. That way there would be less waking me up! And I felt little Ruby Lou would be safer if she didn’t have a loving sibling trying to give her an extra blanket or stuffed animal. So, my only solution was to put the two oldest in the same room. How do I decorate a boy/girl room without it being too masculine or too famine?! I decided I would start with fabric and go from there. After a fabric hunt I found my base for the room colors. (Which are the drapes) My mom and dad sent down my old bed frames from Washington and I painted them a color from the drapes. And I went from there…
Here are some pictures. I will post more info on the art and other tidbits around the room later. I am doing the reveal first hahaha….
My friend (who has a super cute house and blog, click HERE for The Rooster and The Hen) gave me the idea to paint the beds this teal color, pulled from the drapery fabric.
To see how I painted the beds Click HERE
-The room looked like this before-
-At first I tried to go this route-
It just wasn’t working for me.
So I changed it up!
I took some pictures of my midgets to put up in their room. Bought the shelves from Ikea and painted them yellow. And made some art to put up. They helped me make the “Every freckle on my face is where it’s supposed to be.” quote art work. And they had a blast. I’ll post pictures of that later
(Quote from and India Arie song. Love her songs!)
Now don’t worry, these are not really hanging from the rope. I have earthquake wall hooks on the back, these babes are not going any where! Safety first!!
I made these out silhouettes of plywood and paint that I had in the garage. I watered down my paint and sanded after I painted to give these a distressed look. I added the rope and make the “faux” mustard yellow wall hooks. Pretty dang cute I think!
I put up these picture boards, I had them laying around the house. I want to have lots of pictures around my house
and I knew my kids would think this was super cool. It is up pretty high so they can’t reach the tacks.
I have been seeing all those cute “Read” signs on Pinterest and wanted to do one similar.
But, I didn’t want it to seem like I was demanding someone to read, lol, so I added the “we love 2” part.
The heart is from the top of a cardboard box near the letters at Hobby Lobby.
By the way! I do not recommend these Ikea spice racks for book shelves. The books fall off all the time.
The “animal cage” as we like to call it was built by little ol’ me!
I didn’t know what to do with all the stuffed animals my kids have. I had them pick out some to donate, I was sneaky and got rid of a few, but they still had so many.
So I thought up the idea for this bin. I measured they space under the books and made this one morning while my kids where at school. I will share that tutorial soon too.
I love it! And it cost me about $8 or less.
I thought a lot about bedding for this room. That was probably the hardest part. I looked everywhere! I bought a few different things, tried them and sent them back. I ended up going with these from the Land of Nod. They were both on sale for about $25 bucks each. It was my husbands idea to do a blue and a pink. I love how it all came together.
FREE Valentine Prints!
January 28, 2013 by Lynn
Filed under Art, Featured Content, Free Printables, Holiday Crafts, Valentines Day
A little while ago I found some awesome free photoshop brushes at I have been wanting to make something fun for my house. I used her arrows brushes, lip brushes, and her ink brushes. They can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE! Check out Creature Comforts blog, it is packed with fun stuff.
These are some fun Valentine’s Day prints I made for my house. And I love to share, so please help your self! These are all 8×10 images.
*These are for personal use only* Do not distributed or sell. If you would like to share them, please link to the post and don’t host the file yourself. Thanks!!*
Download HERE
Download HERE
Download HERE
If you print these at Costco make sure to click “Do Not Auto Correct” before submitting your order. It could mess up the colors in the print.
How I Paint Furniture
July 15, 2012 by Lynn
Filed under Crafts, DIY, Featured Content, Furniture Redos, Home and Garden
This post has been moved to my new blog.
Building a Rad Sand Box Tutorial
July 8, 2012 by Lynn
Filed under Crafts, DIY, Featured Content, Home and Garden, In the Garden
This post has been moved to my new blog – Pocketful of Paint
Loosing Your Cookies- Prego Style
June 30, 2012 by Lynn
Filed under Featured Content, Mom Thoughts
I moved this post to my new blog- Pocketful of Paint
To all my pregnant sistas out there who are sick as dogs, I say TO YOU, “IT WILL GET BETTER!”
You are laying in bed, near a bowl/toilet, or just feeling green and thinking “shut up lady…”
I had the babe! She was worth all the hard moments, hours, days, weeks, months She is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for all your comments. It makes my day to know that this MIGHT be helpful for those of you out there going through this same thing
Every time a new comment comes in I get so exctied! I show my husband, sometimes I shed a little tear, and sometimes I do a happy dance. Thanks for leaving me comments. I love love love them. You are amazing.
Much love!- Lynn
Check out my new updated blog- Pocketful of Paint and Look me up on Instagram @theurbanpost I love my Insta-friends
USA Plaque
June 17, 2012 by Lynn
Filed under 4th of July, Crafts, DIY, Featured Content, Holiday Crafts, Valentines Day
I made these fun USA and I (Heart) U plaques the same way I did the BOO Plaques I made a few years ago. I made the I HEART U one for my soon to be baby girls room. (Pictures of her room to come!)
Tutorial can be found HERE for how I made these.
I used my Cricut to cut out the stencils for the letters.
I hope you have fun this 4th! FYI the Fourth of July is like a party every night in Utah FIREWORKS!!! YAY!
Free Dino Prints
June 17, 2012 by Lynn
Filed under Art, Featured Content, Free Printables
Come and get ’em while they are FREE!! I won’t have these free for too long, so download them quick!
I designed these with the help of my amazing husband. One of my favorite friend wanted to put some fun prints in her little boys room. She is building a new house AND I LOVE to help my buddies make their house feel like home! I know how important it is to make a space feel like it’s yours. And, I love the fact that her little boy knows all the scientific names for dinosaurs. Like, he’s pretty much a dinosaur name saying prodigy at age 3! I can’t even say these names that roll off his tongue with little effort. I HAD to make this rad kid some dino art for his room! HE LOVES DINOSAURS!
So, you will benefit from his love of dino’s today. Here are the sweet prints I made for him.
These are all 11×14 prints with the exception of the full bodied dino, that one is 16×20. You might be able to print these smaller on or something, but they might ask you to crop them, FYI. But, print them big! Print Big OR GO HOME! LOL!
ALSO! When printing any of my prints, to get the BEST quality- Please upload them full resolution and if printing at Costco make sure to click “DO NOT Auto Correct image” It could mess up the colors of your print.
The links below each picture will take you to where you can download these to your home computer for free and without hassle.
Have fun with these! I hope your little man (if your printing them for him) loves them!
Building an Ottoman
May 8, 2012 by Lynn
Filed under Crafts, Decorating, DIY, Featured Content, Home and Garden
I keep seeing all these cute ottomans in adorable fabrics and I WANT THEM! So, I decided, “Hey! I can do that! I am soo crafty with my bad self, how hard can it be?!” Well my fine friends. It is NOT THAT HARD! YOOOU CAAN DOOO IT TOO!
Here’s how I made this fun little one for my front entry way. I am planning on a much larger one for my living room in the near future. So stay tuned for that bad boy. I already bought the fabric and am super excited.
I bought this round wood piece of wood at Lowes for about $7. Home Depots are different, not as good for this type of project and are MUCH more expensive (FYI).
I measured to the center and drilled a whole first, because I knew I wanted to add a big button in the middle later on.
I bought this foam from Home Depot, they have it at random times through the year. It is $20 for a huge piece. You could make a few ottomans with the size it is. It is 3inches. This stuff is much more pricey at JoAnn’s or any other craft store, so this is a good deal. Great for seat cushions on a bench or something too.
I traced a circle and cut out the foam with my ceramic knife. Any smooth super sharp knife or razor blade will work. Then I used a permanent spray adhesive to attach my foam to my board. I also cut two different layers of quilt batting and sprayed that on too.
I glue it all down and then cut my fabric circle.
I did not glue the top fabric. I used my staple gun, pulling my fabric tight! and stapling it all the way around. I tried to make sure that the pleats of my fabric where only on the bottom and wouldn’t show around the sides. This would be much easier if it was square, but it worked out.
I have an electric staple gun and one that uses an air compressor, I used both. But the electric one would have been fine.
After that I put my button on, this was tricky because I didn’t have a very long needle. You will need a really long needle! You can read here to see more about putting buttons on furniture. CLICK HERE TO GO TO BUTTON TUTORIAL
After my button was on nice and tight, I cut and glued a cover over all my staples and ugliness underneath. You can buy this black chair under cover stuff from JoAnn’s or any craft store. I can’t remember what it is called at the moment, but it will be in the upholstery section.
I then drilled holes for my freshly painted high gloss blue legs. So cute! And screwed them in to the bottom.
I hot glued down the cover fabric and waalaa! Done!
This would be rad with a cowhide too. Oh the possibilities!