Simple Clean Living Blog and Cranberry Salsa
December 16, 2011 by Lynn
Filed under Featured Content, Friday Feature, Snacks/Appetizers, Yummy Food
Simply Clean Living is a blog written by a good friend of mine, Katie. I love her tag line, “Organizing life and surviving motherhood, one late night at a time” She has everything from great craft projects to do with your kids, money saving tips, organizing tips, yummy recipes, and thoughts on motherhood. I love Katie’s stories about motherhood and the way she writes. Here is one of my favorite posts of hers, that I needed after one hard day. It’s called “Down and Dirty: Motherhood Real-Life” READ HERE
Also here is a super good salsa recipe she shared last week. I remember her bringing this one Thanksgiving 3 years ago and I think I have craved it ever since. It is good! And it’s great to take to a holiday party.
Cranberry Salsa
Katie has provided a Printable Version here
- 1 (12 ounce) bag of fresh cranberries
- 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
- 1 bunch green onions, chopped
- 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
- 2 limes, juiced
- 3/4 cup white sugar
- 1 pinch salt
Combine cranberries, cilantro, green onions, jalapeno pepper, lime juice, sugar, and salt in the bowl of your food processor, and chop to desired consistency. Our food processor is not big enough for this entire batch at once, so I mix it in a bowl, and then put it into the food processor in batches. This salsa is best made the night before or a few hours before, and refrigerated so that the flavors have a chance to blend, but do not make more than a day in advance. Serve with tortilla chips.

Party Appetizer
December 15, 2011 by Lynn
Filed under Featured Content, Snacks/Appetizers, Yummy Food
This might look a little weird, green and all. But! Don’t let that get to you, it is GOOD! And, I am not the only person who thinks so. I recently took this to an ugly sweater Christmas party and it was gobbled up fast. And it is fast and easy to whip up before a party when you running around crazy to get ready. I think that is called perfection.
What cha’ do?
Well buy some cream cheese, Reese’s mild Pepper Jelly, and Ritz crackers.
Spread the cream cheese on a platter, then spread the jelly on top. Set some crackers around the rim and head off to your party!
Go party with your badself!!
Plum Fruit Leather
November 10, 2011 by Lynn
Filed under Featured Content, Snacks/Appetizers, Yummy Food
You can make any kind of fruit leather following these simple directions.
We have a plum tree in our yard so we used our beautiful plums. FYI- all pictures after this one are slightly blurry. Sorry
So easy to make fruit leather. All you need is SWEET, RIPE FRUIT.
We cut the plums in half and let Charlie, our 3 year old, pull out the pits and sort them. She thought it was great to help and she was crazy fast at it. We are always looking for an easy safe step Charlie can help with cooking.
After pitting the fruit, then place in the food processor till it is pureed nice and smooth.
Spray Pam on your dehydrator sheets. Then pour the pureed plums onto the sheets and turned it on the fruit setting. (Make sure you pray Pam or you will not get the fruit leather off the sheets.)
Place the lid on and let it do it’s thing. Leave it there until it is firm enough to peel about 12-16 hours, depending on your dehydrator.