
October 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Holiday Crafts

Yikes!  Spiders!

These spiders are pretty easy to make. You need:

Black tights

hot glue

Styrofoam egg


Black pipe cleaners

First cut the egg in half.  Then slide the tights over the egg.  Cut the the tights and glue the ends down.  Pinch the pipe cleaners in the middle and twist once to get a knee. Now glue on the legs.  For shorter legs use one pipe cleaner for both legs.  Glue a piece of felt on the bottom of the spider to cover where you attached the legs.  Done!

(sorry pictures are so dark, it was a rainy day)

I bought the web at Lowe’s.

Get Crafty with Your Bad Self!

  • Winsor Pilates

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